The Stonewall Sentries Present ..

Wrath of Stonewall

The Gay Wrath Month Kickoff Event!

Crystal | Brynhildr | Limsa Aetheryte Crystal
Saturday, July 1st | 5:30pm EST

Bricks Provided!

.. | the Stonewall Sentries

The Stonewall Sentries is a free company on FFXIV, based in the Brynhildr server on the Crystal data centre.The free company borrows its name from the actual Stonewall Inn in New York City, a historical gay bar. On 28 June, 1969, police raided the landmark site and began to attack queer patrons. The community outside erupted in protest, and for the following five days, various other protests would follow.The Stonewall Uprising is often credited as being a huge push in LGBTQ+ rights, and ever since, Pride has been celebrated each June.The bar was often a safe haven for those not welcomed in other places, or other gay bars.Like the real Stonewall, the free company strives to be a welcoming community, and a home for those under the rainbow umbrella - a place to go when it rains.

The Event | ..

"Wrath Month" started as a meme on Twitter in 2018, as both Pride and wrath are part of the "seven deadly sins".
The event is following that theme - join us in a send off to Pride Month, and help us usher in Gay Wrath Month!
"Why Wrath instead of Pride?"
Pride started as a protest. Now, more than ever before, the rights of LGBTQ+ people are under a barrage of attacks, and we need to come together as a community to educate, love, and support one another.
We hope that our Wrath event will not only act as a meetup for our community, but also be a way of raising awareness for those that may not be familiar with the issues our community face. We will be having a "sit in" around the Limsa Lominsa aetherite crystal, where we will not only have a plethora of activities and giveaways for you to enjoy, but will also be running a fundraiser for the American Civil Liberties Union.Anyone from anywhere is welcome to join. If you would like to support us, please come out and say hello!

.. | The Sit In | ..

Pride Month has become synonymous with corporate pandering - each year, chain stores set up a section of rainbow themed goods and call it a collection, claiming to "support" our plight, at least until it's inconvenient for them. However, allyship rarely exists with convenience - and the rich on top prove again and again how empty, and meaningless, the gesture is. It is simply to make money - often for themselves, and seldom for charity - and nothing more.
We're tired of empty gestures.
This demonstration will begin at 5:30pm, EST, and last until 7pm, EST, where further activities will take place at Costa del Sol. Until then, however, we will sit in silence around the Limsa Lominsa aetherye on the Brynhildr server, Crystal data centre.
We invite you to join us.
Why a sit in? Because Pride was originally a protest, and peaceful demonstrations are the best way to bring awareness to social issues. We hope to inspire others into activism to fight the good fight against homophobia, transphobia, racism, and the ever growing threat of fascism.

.. | Gaymes | ..

o LGBTQ+ Themed Trivia
o Team Seek // "Zombie"
An altered "hide and seek" mode where those found become seekers as well, until there is only one person left hiding.

.. | Activities | ..

o Poetry Slam // Open Mic
o Speed Sketches
o Speed GPose
o Drag Book Reading

.. | Glam Contests | ..

o Wrath Themed Glam
o Gender Bender Glam

.. | Giveaways | ..

o Gil
o Orchestrion Rolls
o OC Art Commission
o Housing Wall Voucher crafted by the FC
o Registrable Miscellany
Emotes, hairstyles, mounts, minions, etc!

.. | What is the ACLU? | ..

"ACLU" stands for the American Civil Liberties Union. Founded in 1920, it is the country's largest group of public interest lawyers. It is a nonprofit organisation, with zero ties to either major political party, funded entirely by grants, donations, and volunteers.They have notably taken on many historic cases, some of which others may not have taken on, including Brown v. Board of Education, Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton, and Obergefell v. Hodges.
For more examples of their historic work, check here and here.
To learn more about their history, check out this video by the History channel.

.. | Why the ACLU? | ..

In 2023, there have been, at the time of this being written, 556 bills targeting transgender individuals in the United States alone. While a number of them fail, plenty of them do pass, and plenty more are still on the table.
There have also been a plethora of other laws aimed at LGBTQ+ folks, including bans on drag performance, and in some states, bathroom laws.
These issues have a direct effect on the health and wellbeing of our community at large.
[Content Warning: Link includes mental health and suicidality related statistics.]
According to The Trevor Project, two out of three youth reported that laws regarding LGBTQ+ topics being banned at school made their mental health worse. One in three youth reported that concerns about legislation directly worsened their mental health.
While the focus here has largely been on how the ACLU is helping the LGBTQ+ community, they have long fought to protect civil liberties of every American, and continue to do so. At the moment, they are fighting for transgender healthcare in Arkansas, suing Florida over a racist, anti-Asian Immigrant propety law, and fighting for abortion rights in Utah. They also continue to pursue suits involving racial justice, advocating for children's rights, disability rights issues, and a near-endless list of other matters.

.. | Donation Rewards | ..

o Firas is offering goods off of Etsy- 5x FFXIV Pride Job Buttons from ContreSixted
- 2x Nidhogg Eye Stress Ball from FehuReya
- 1x print of Uldah or Limsa from illuartco
o Octavious Poezja is offering gpose sessions and writing for character carrds and bioso Isram Poezja is offering sketches of your character

.. | How It Works | ..

Make a donation to the ACLU here. Take and save a screenshot once you get to the confirmation page.
You can black out all the information except for the email address. We have to have that to contact the winners after the fundraiser ends!
Every $1 USD donated earns you one entry into the raffle.
Fill out this Google form. Please make sure to submit your screenshot as proof.
The raffle will be held at the conclusion of the fundraiser for the ACLU.
The fundraiser is set to end at early Sunday morning (?). Winners of prizes will be emailed to facilitate the winnings.

.. | Organisers | ..

o Firas Alexander aka Firas / Lucas | He/They
- leader of the Stonewall Sentries, fundraiser donations and carrd input
o Octavious Poezja, aka Salem / Wikita | They/Them
- fundraiser donations and carrd creation
o Isram Poezja, aka Kevin / keviroo | He/Him
- fundraiser and carrd edits for accessibility

Want to donate your art and/or time, or have a suggestion for making our carrd more accessible? Please contact us through Discord @wikita, @keviroo, or @firas_alexander.